Elite Payment & Security Policy
Instructions To Checkout Successfully
- Step 1: After you click checkout, you will be directed to the customer information page. Enter all your shipping and billing information.
- Step 2: Choose Credit/Debit Card payment method, we only accept VISA and Mastercard. Please choose Option 1 first, if it does not work for you try Option 2.
- Step 3: Click "Place Order Now".
- Step 4: You will be directed to our payment page. Fill in your Credit/Debit Card information on the page provided. Please ensure that the card number, expiry date and CVV is correct.
- Step 5: When you are done, click "Pay by Credit/Debit Card Now". A pop up will appear which shows that we use 3DS secure to process our payments.
- Step 6: If the pop up requires you to enter a code, a text is usually sent to your handphone to prevent fraud. Enter the code in the pop up and you should be redirected to our page which indicates you have successfully paid.
(If the request for a code does not appear, you will immediately be redirected back to our page which indicates that you have successfully paid)
- Step 7: Try payment method option 2 to pay if option 1 fails.
If Payment Fails
- Ensure you entered all information correctly - Card number, Expiry and CVV
- Make a quick call to your bank to authorize the transaction, Sometimes, the bank blocks the transaction to protect you from fraud
- Please try to use another Credit/Debit card
- Please try to use payment method option 2
- Contact us at : support@elitedrip.com
Is This Site Secure To Use?
EliteDrip will NEVER store or hold your payment details. Our payment gateway processes all our payments for us. They are PCI DSS compliant and use 3DS Secure to process all payments. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information security standard for organizations that handle credit card and debit card information. Our host meets all 6 categories of PCI standards. Our website is HTTPS and SSL certified. So this means that not even our staff will be able to see your payment details. Don’t worry, all of your personal information is safe and protected.
What Type Of Payments Do You Accept?
We accept Mastercard, Visa, Credit and Debit Cards. You can pay through our 2 secure payment gateways. (Option 1 and Option 2)
We will never process or store your card information. It is sent directly to our secure server for payment processing. Our entire website is HTTPS certified. As we take fraud & payment security very seriously, all payments will be subject to a security check. We will email you should we require any further information.
Do You Accept Cash On Delivery (COD) / Bank Transfer?
We don’t accept the service for Cash On Delivery (COD) For bank transfers, Please email us at : support@elitedrip.com